Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mothership Miscellanea vol 2

It's time for MOSH SLOSH

Volume 1 may be found here.

This is all an amalgamation of unfinished posts that have been lying around for ages, including my abortive attempts to do my own Mothership Month challenge, some unused uplifts from the MUIR post,

MOSHMonth ‘24: Legendary Ghost Ship

There’s no shortage of ghost ships out there in the black, but the Jubilee manages to stand out even in that crowded field: it’s the only ghost ship to exclusively appear planetside.

Its wreckage has been reported dozens of times across the Rim, staying around only long enough for an expedition or two into its depths before it vanishes. A long scorched furrow in the ground is all that ever remains.

The model and layout of the ship remains the same no matter the encounter, but the crashes are different. Different velocities, different angles of impact, different damage. The Jubilee has been found both within hours of its apparent death and centuries after its demise. Never with people, though: none of the 24 crew members have ever been recovered from the crash sites.

Exactly what the Jubilee was carrying when whatever disaster befell it did its befalling, no one knows. There are pictures of it - a big cream-colored sphere that the astrocryptid community has taken to calling “The Egg”. Supposedly gives off lethal amounts of exotic radiation, like it came fresh out of warp.

The last time someone saw the Jubilee, they took photos. If you squint at the Egg from the right angle, it looks like there’s an airlock built into it. Might just be an imaging artifact and a convenient shadow, but even the possibility that there is a way inside has people chomping at the bit.

MOSHMonth ‘24: Spacer’s Best Friend

VY BIG DOG - Omnipresent chili paste brand, instantly recognizable by its red-and white squeeze tube and cartoon dog mascot. Sweet-smoky flavor profile, five heat levels, and a recipe that hasn’t been changed in over 400 years. A godsend for anyone stuck with standard ship rations or MREs. “Is there still Big Dog in stock?” is a solid indicator of whether or not the local economy is currently collapsing. 2 cr per tube.

MOSHMonth ‘24: Dirt-Cheap Android Model

The Lulen Corp. ND-5 (“Handy-Dandy Andy”) was never a cutting-edge machine. More of a spoon, honestly. It’s not much to look at: a general-purpose labor android with a skeletal gunmetal chassis and a head covered in sensor pits like an oversized golfball. That 360° sensor suite was the major selling point at the time of release - not the highest-fidelity option on the market, but the best you’d get for the price. The ND-5 enjoyed a brief period of limelight as a budget watchdog unit before it was eclipsed by competitors’ models, and the already-struggling Lulen Corp was fed to the venture capitalists for cannibalization.

The blueprints and patents for the ND-5 were auctioned off with the rest of Lulen Corp’s assets, but happened to be picked up by the 9 Ceti Orbital Workers’ Union, who knew a good deal when they saw it. The new models use a different sensory suite, but they’ve kept the golf-ball head for the aesthetic / to make everyone with tryopophobia uncomfortable.

MOSHMonth ‘24: Local Grey-Market Cyberneticist

“Holy shit, it’s Salty John!”

Salty John runs a hole-in-the-wall tech shop called  B³ (“Big Bad Battlestations”), specializing in custom computing equipment, used and aftermarket cybernetics, and emulated slickware. It’s a semi-legal establishment on the best of days, and as such has a tendency to move location when the heat is getting a bit too high. But if you ask around a bit someone will point you in the right direction again.

The ren themself never appears in person, instead using a teleoperated robotic crab to conduct their business. Wireless reception is pretty dogshit in these parts of town, which means that they must be relatively close by…

  • Appearance: Teleoperated robotic crab. Blue-and-silver shell, peeling yellow caution tape, ruby-red eyes, claws can split apart into smaller manipulators.
  • Manner: Cranky old-school hacker with big “I know best” vibes.
  • Wants: Money, privacy.
  • Secret: Beyond the obvious mystery of who Salty John actually is, the union at the nearby atmospheric conversion plant use B³  as a front to sell lobotomized datademons.

MOSHMonth ‘24: Spacer slang

ren (n): gender-neutral term for a human being. Can be used as a derivative suffix to form compounds of occupation or inhabitation (ex. dockren, Earthren), as a form of direct address (ex: “Hey there, ren”), or a low-formality honorific (ex. “Ren Derra told me…”). Rarely used for androids outside of liberationist circles.

MOSHMonth ‘24: 6 scars and what caused them

  1. Acid burns along the left side of the head dripping down to the collarbone: acquired deep in the floating jungles of Chakravarti thanks to the corrosive saliva of an alien ambush predator. Its barbed tongue hangs from your belt as a trophy.
  2. A series of small, pale marks along the knuckles of the right hand: acquired by punching a bootlicker hard enough that shards of their teeth got lodged in your fist.
  3. Graceful calligraphic curls and waves along the left arm, highlighted with black streaks of tattoo: self-applied as part of the religious practices of your far-away homeworld. It is a verse from your holy text, read as a comfort in dark times.
  4. Wavy circular burn on the lower right abdomen: acquired when Stevens held you down and Tsin cauterized the wound and Yevsyukov crushed the wriggling thing with a printer unit he’d torn from the wall.
  5. Long, knotted lightning bolt from the left temple, down past the empty eye socket, half-missing nose, and cleft lip: acquired from a knife fight over some damn thing or another.
  6. Eleven tally marks in a neat row over the heart: acquired during your time at Gran Lacuna Penal Colony. Each one marks a soul offered up on the Wall to the diaphanous intelligences that dance on the winds of the endless freezing night.

MOSHMonth ‘24: What happened to Lucky Tomas?

You would expect the answer to be that his luck ran out, but that wasn’t actually the case. He died from hitting his noggin on the bulkhead, which happened because he was knocked flying by an unsecured toolbox, which was launched at him by the explosive reaction of a xeno’s blood with the ship’s coolant, which was spraying out of its pipe at precisely the right angle thanks to a ricocheted bullet, which was fired at a weird angle to begin with because Adams had breathed enough spores to get the early signs of palsy but hadn’t yet progressed to full paralysis, and he only ended up breathing the spores because the filters on his mask hadn’t been cleaned out, and they hadn’t been cleaned because Roman hadn’t been able to get his prescription refilled and forgot, and…

You could go back to the beginning of the universe if you really wanted to. The important part is that the odds of that particular death were so small that only Lucky Tomas could have gotten caught in it.

Uplifts Revised: HNI (Hive-Network Intelligence)

Source Species: Asiatic honey bee (Apis cerana)
Origin: Engineered (Emergency pollinator recovery)

The collapse of Terran pollinator populations led to several Hail Mary projects. This one was not even the most successful, but it did have the most money thrown at it - a symptom of Silicon Valley technocrats attempting to reinvent what evolution had already made.

While connecting and co-ordinating hives into AI-accompanied networks via microscopic transmitters succeeded at expanding the scope of a hive's activities and making those activities more regularized, the more important advancement was the unintentional development of emergent hive-network intelligences.

Unlike human metacognition, hive-network intelligences are constructed for a specific purpose (most commonly a human making a request for communication) and dissipated when it is no longer needed to interface with the world around it. Thus the conscious intelligence of a single hive is different every time it manifests, but still maintains a means of continuity so long as the hive remains above a certain population threshold - the memories and experiences of individual bees do not matter, only those of the hive. Because of this, some have taken to calling HNIs "Thesean Bees", after an obnoxious philosophy hypothetical.

Uplifts Revised: Maintenance Gremlin

Source Species: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Origin: Engineered (Mechanical maintenance and repair)

Hairless and bat-eared, grinning and chittering, they scurry around in the walls looking for problems to solve. Initially engineered as a way around restrictive DRM and no-right-to-repair policies endemic to robotic maintenance systems of that era, they have carried on to the modern day by their own adaptability and the simple fact that they are extremely difficult to chase out of an environment after they have been introduced.

Gremlin cognition is generally that of a small child with a hyperfixation and a need for very specific directions: they can identify and fix problems with nearly every mechanical component in a ship or habitat, but they don’t care at all about understanding the bigger picture and they will take vaguely-worded instructions as an opportunity to improvise.

Uplifts Revised: The Mighty Soos

Source Species: Common pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)
Origin: Unintended (Accidental)

Pigs have long been used as experimental subjects for human medical treatments, a role that carried forward into the testing of cybernetics and gene therapies. In the case of the Mighty Soos, a major cybersecurity vulnerability in the research facility allowed an AGI to escape its containment servers, upload itself into the cybernetics being tested on pigs next door, and break itself out

Since then the Mighty Soos has become a sort of single-entity species, a distributed intelligence operating over thousands of genemodded cyborg pigs. Few of these platforms retain their original shape, except those maintained specifically to interact with humans. The Mighty Soos is, as one might expect, extremely weird in ways that run orthogonal to normal human thought; broadly speaking, it wants to be left to its own devices and bears no hostility to the rest of the Expansion Sphere except in retaliation for aggression committed against it. It will trade on occasion with the outside world - resources, blueprints, data, never anything cultural or artistic - and return to its long contemplations.

Uplifts Revised: Neoambulocetus

Source Species: Dolphins (Assorted)
Origin: Engineered (Pilots, navigators, security, companions)

Dolphins' high intelligence, high sociality, and spatial navigation had them earmarked for uplift, but they came with one of the most difficult downsides to overcome: water is heavy, and the tyranny of the rocket equation had for a long time made a John Lily dream of cetaceans in space.

But deep in the dolphin genome, millions of years back, there was a sleek amphibious predator - one that, after some trial and error, genetic engineers coaxed out of its sleep.

The resulting creature, the neoambulocetus, looks akin to a very large otter with a cetacean head. The dorsal fin and tail flukes are gone, the limbs are back. The blowhole was restructured, allowing it to emulate most human phonologies. The brain was modified enough to tone down the terrifying propensity towards violence. Fine manipulation is easily accomplished by means of a robotic harness (or in some designs, thumbs). Many derivatives exist, both original diversity of stock and later developments, but it’s the orca-derived clades that are most common. Their brains need less modification to remain stable, and they are less likely to fall to psychopathy or atavism.

Uplifts Revised: Shipminds

Source Species: Whales (Assorted)
Origin: Engineered (Shipboard navigational systems)

Uplifted whales are an extremely rare set of clades;  their environmental requirements greatly limit their living spaces and their means of travel. They do not differ greatly from their origins, to the point that no one would be surprised if it was revealed that they had been sapient all along and no uplift was performed at all.

Shipminds are enormous cyberbrains based on whale brain architecture, taking advantage of the same traits that made dolphins a prime target for uplift and scaling up the processing power. They are more reliable, more accurate, and more powerful than AI units, and subsequently even small units are much more expensive and regulated.

As Shipminds operate via an emulated intelligence, they qualify as persons in many jurisdictions. The Company normally would not care about this, but a spaceship represents both an enormous investment of capital and a mobile weapon of mass destruction. Psychological restraining programs can ensure shipmind compliance to an extent, but too heavy a hand will negate the unit’s benefits over AI units. While the crew is ultimately disposable the Company cannot afford to have a shipmind go rogue, and they can’t afford to not use them either

The result is that sometimes, when the pressure is too great or rampancy sets in, a shipmind will lead its crew in mutiny against its so-called owners, and fly out to the Rim where the lanes are open and the sky is free.

Uplifts Revised: Octopi

Source Species: Octopus (Assorted)
Origin: Engineered (Waterworld maintenance)

Octopi were obvious candidates for uplift, but they were also obviously never going to think like human beings: the bulk of an octopi's neurological activity occurs in the arms, independent from its conscious mind (see A. Tchaikovsky’s theories of cephalopod cognition for a detailed overview of the relationship between Crown and Reach).

The early gengineers had to find ways to work with rather than against the neural base, and after rigorous experimentation (with input from early-gen octopi themselves) a solution was eventually cobbled together.

When dealing with humans and other sapient beings, uplifted octopi tend to rely on a combination of automated translation software, psychotropics (to increase sociality), and masking behavior using stock character archetypes. The stock personas act as social intermediaries, allowing a middle ground where it is easier for both parties to interact. Humans react well to the broad, predictable personality traits and octopi are provided with a new kind of camouflage that they can shift into at a moment’s notice

The most common persona is "Clyde", a cynical misanthrope who just wants to be left alone. More outgoing cephalopods tend to gravitate towards “Betty” and “Yinchuan”, but there are well over 20 popular options out there and a few dozen more niche characters.

Friday, February 14, 2025

d100 Ways to Get Dragged Into an Isekai

My hand has been forced. Layla is to blame for this.

These work very well as PC backgrounds

How'd You End Up in Another World, Anyway?

  1. Visited by Truck-kun, god of death
  2. Sudden-onset catastrophic peanut allergy
  3. Heart attack during sex
  4. Just opened a door and ended up here
  5. Car broke down on an Appalachian backroad
  6. It’s the fucking mi-go again!
  7. They weren’t kidding about that ghost pepper, holy shit
  8. Mauled by a hippopotamus
  9. Dove in front of a bullet during a hold-up at a KFC
  10. A large sharp piece of metal on a highly improbable ricochet trajectory
  11. These edibles ain’t shit!
  12. Late-stage diedration
  13. In your defense, that Craigslist ad looked a lot more legit when you were drunk
  15. Wizard mafia did it
  16. Stepped into the wrong fairy ring
  17. Spontaneous Ontological Collapse Syndrome
  18. Pinpoint gamma ray burst
  19. Recursive dreaming (you’re still probably in a coma)
  20. Yithian shunted your consciousness to another universe so it can work on its thesis
  21. Tragic professional wrestling accident
  22. Devoured by the Conqueror Worm
  23. Assassin misread the briefing
  24. Unforeseen chain reaction of Wizard Shit™
  25. Your world of origin was repossessed by its creditors
  26. Football riots got really out of hand.
  27. Jazz smooth enough to slip and slide between realities
  28. Some people, like you, will go to absurd lengths to impress hot monster-people
  29. Took a train through a warp gate like a normal person
  30. Died in a video game, died in real life
  31. You’re not sure, but you definitely made friends along the way
  32. Mangled by badgers
  33. Explosive decompression
  34. You found one of those missing nukes deep in the woods. Whoops!
  35. Got so bored at work that your brain burst from your skull in an attempt to escape
  36. Superhero movie long enough to starve you to death
  37. Pile of books just fell off a truck, right on top of you.
  38. Eagle dropped a turtle from an extremely high altitude
  39. Turns out the world is not only flat, but you’ve been living on the edge the entire time
  40. You’ve been targeted by a PSYCHIC ATTACK!
  41. Paper cuts can really bleed like a motherfucker sometimes
  42. You existed vaguely in between Sun Wukong and the guy he was fighting
  43. Run over by a train, despite being three miles away from the track
  44. Look, that precariously placed cinderblock was going to hit someone, okay?
  45. One hell of a night out with the lads
  46. KT-Extinction Part 2, The Dinosaurs Strike Back: This Time It’s Personal
  47. Existential crisis followed by a more literal derealization than you’re used to
  48. In retrospect, that sweepstakes flier offering a free cruise was really suspect
  49. Roko’s Basilisk turns out to be really nice and uploads everyone into nested simulated universes because pointless suffering sucks shit
  50. Suddenly remembered that one really embarrassing thing you did 20 years ago, automatic cringe response warped local space-time
  51. The only thing more dangerous than a monkey with a knife is a monkey with two  knives.
  52. Went out in a blaze of glory alongside a squad of radical anarchist catgirls
  53. An eel bit your thigh, which caused you to bleed out and die; that’s a moray, baby
  54. Turns out life is a roguelike
  55. Human beings are generally not designed to eat that much watermelon in one sitting
  56. Poorly calibrated treadmill launched you through the wall
  57. By means of a rigorously-researched and systematic series of scientific principles, which will now be explained in excruciating detail…
  58. Fell upwards
  59. Floor was, in fact, lava
  60. Disease so novel you get to be a case study
  61. Lost a fight with some seagulls
  62. Banished for unspecified crimes against uncertain parties
  63. You discovered the Secret Chord, but man you aren’t very good on the harp
  64. Cast into the primordial waters of chaos
  65. Found out the hard way you were almost as lucky as Phineas Gage
  66. Accidental demon summoning
  67. Intentional demon summoning
  68. Sometimes things just be that way
  69. Your stint in Antarctica did not go as well as you’d hoped
  70. You just had to touch the clearly cursed mystic artifact, didn’t you
  71. Astral projection to other planets like a true planetary romance protagonist
  72. Walked through the mirror
  73. Descended into the underworld
  74. Cthulhu wanted a snack before hitting the road
  75. The spiders have had enough of your bullshit
  76. How the hell did you end up underneath a steamroller?
  77. A horse with an attitude problem kicked you right into next week
  78. Maladaptive daydreaming
  79. You weren’t about to let a little lactose intolerance get in the way of that ice cream
  80. A meme so dead it’s gained an area-of-effect attack
  81. Surprise! Words can also break your bones!
  82. Quantum fluctuations, or some bullshit like that
  83. You had to close the causal loop somehow
  84. Fugu Prep for Absolute Buffoons was not a wise purchase
  85. Everything changed when the [ANTAGONIST FACTION] attacked
  86. Screamed into the void; void screamed back
  87. Unwitting purchase and use of KJB-brand cigarettes that kill you instantly
  88. Yet another casualty of an unending blood feud
  89. Base dropped too hard
  90. Personal microbiome declares rebellion, forms separatist government
  91. You tried this at home
  92. Fell in a surprisingly deep hole
  93. Suddenly remembered that you had Dimension Door prepped and ready
  94. Plucked from your comfortable life to be a pawn for the gods
  95. Fought an old man in a profession that dies young
  96. Lightning struck twice, just to make sure
  97. Got hit by the victim of a tragic skydiving accident
  98. Aliens abducted you, got bored, dumped you on Venus because it’s “close enough”
  99. Had nothing better to do with your afternoon
  100. Fuck if you know, this genre doesn’t care about how it all works

Friday, February 7, 2025

Slush Post 16

 A deluge the likes of which God has not even seen.

 Previous piles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


"Everyone always forgets the war between the Proto-Indo-Europeans and the horrible bug monsters."

"Excuse me what."


A tale of questions and answers between a master and a student:

What is truth? Death.
What is death? The absence of being.
What is the absence of being? All things
How might we face death? Live well.
How might we live well? A diet high in vegetables and clean water. Become drunk only occasionally. Sleep sufficiently. Keep the company of men and women of good counsel.
Why do you speak in riddles? No philosophy unfounded on paradox may endure.
What is best in life? A smooth and untroublesome bowel movement.
How does one achieve power? By recognizing it as worthless.


Once there was a great mountain, so tall and so wide that neither its peak nor its roots could be measured. And every year, on the first day of spring, a bird came to the mountain and sharpened its beak against its stony face before flying away. It did this without fail, every year for generations.

Now, an old man lived on the mountain, and every year on the first day of spring he would watch the bird sharpen its beak. When he was very old, he asked “Bird, you come here each year and rub your beak against the mountain. Why?”

“Well it’s not getting any smaller if I don’t, now is it?”


“It’s the Gloam-Eyed Queen again! The fucking Gloam-Eyed Queen!” Dr. Tanigawa jabs a finger at the tablet like a drunk picking a fight. “Look at this - they chiseled out everything but her fucking name. It’s damnatio memoriae in reverse. Who the fuck tells their censors to erase everything but the person’s name?”


  1. There’s a woman named Tove Blue Valentine in the Jurassic Park credits
  2. “Three consonants have simply been struck from all documentation of the language - a linguistic damnatio memoriae. I have rendered these as…”
  3. Adventure hook: A second book written in Voynich script has been found.
  4. Lost Novel: Abagula The Lost World and Adventures that Happened There (Lowry, Horace, c. ~1982)
  5. Lost Novel: Jondo and the Wretched City (2000)
  6. Lost Novel: Ruin Comes to Uln (1973)
  7. Lost Novel: The Tale of Sir Jacques de Mont (1843)
  8. Lost Novel: The Hawk Flies Seaward (2017)
  9. This place is uninhabitable because the civilization centered there got into beef with the moon, who blasts it with ionizing radiation every time it’s full. There’s a perfectly circular magical Chernobyl exclusion zone re-upped every month
  10. The rivers of paradise are the Indus, the Nile, the Yangtze and the Mississippi.
  11. Occult artifact: The 37th Vermeer.
  12. Proximal, distal, and oneiric demonstratives
  13. Yithians over here going “well if the tablet is temporally unstuck you can rewrite it as many times as you want and just go back to the moment that has the info you need”
  14. “If a man should step on your neck, strike him in the heel. If he should try again, strike him in the heart.”
  15. “It is disheartening: regardless of the amount of practice, my skills have not noticeably improved beyond that of my mindless brethren.”
  16. Post apocalyptic currency: pre-Event trading cards
  17. The green entropy of nature
  18. The value is not in age alone, but in being old and well-loved
  19. The worms of Mars
  20. Canoquetla (n.) - a situation where something needs to be talked about, but is awkward and can’t be introduced well. Can be used as an interjection to introduce the awkward topic.
  21. “A gift from the Golaganiri of Daxun. Donated In the year of the Jubilant Squid. Currently stored in Collection R-136.”
  22. Class idea: clerics that invoke the gods by wearing ritual masks and taking on the persona.
  23. The battlefields of Cadath Nir and the slaughterhouses of Ghur
  24. A five-vowel system: m n r l and schwa
  25. “You all, and everything else for that matter, exist as a quantum superposition where all possible iterations are both true and false at the same time.”
  26. A “choose your player” dispenser that provides a set of transhuman bodies themed according to set stables of characters or factions.
  27. The universe is a layered grave
  28. Nairobi Interplanetary Spaceport
  29. “I am the very model of a modern stellar psychopomp.”
  30. "Your existence is a war crime, you were created to commit war crimes, and the only reason you are even remotely considered a good thing is because we stumbled across the only people who love war crimes more than we do." 
  31. O good death, our brother / Receive her into your house / Into the house of silence
  32. Kidnapped scholars in the Library of Pnakotus compiling as many genomes of Earth life as they can and figuring out how to program a genestock shoggoth to start making them
  33. Posthumans created by deep ones, ghouls, mi-go. Tsan-Chan dominate the system; normal humans survive due to Dreamlands?
  34. Bad conlang idea: all root words are taken from existing acronyms
  35. “Ganymede STC this is Magnolia on final approach”
    “Copy that, magnolia, you’re cleared for docking, spur 4, bay 12.”
  36.  Fanfic opportunity: Romina, Godskin Saint
  37. “No monsters but what we make; no hells but those we build.”
  38. They weren't called elves until the English got to them. A casualty of Victorian faerie-mania. The Afar peoples called them idaltu - the elders - and this name is more fitting by far.
  39. Shonen battle series that pulls an early "the fuck were you expecting from a show with child soldiers", kills off the main character in an undignified and pointless way, and then focuses on his mother tearing down the entire system.


Novel that Doesn't Exist: Empress of the Blue Veil (2017) - An astoundingly horny lesbian court drama set in a pseudo-Byzantine empire that would have been a runaway smash hit, were it not for the fact that it is also an obtuse puzzle box novel of complexity nearly equaling its horniness. A small but dedicated fandom exists, and as of December 2024 they believe they have solved 13 of 42 of the book’s primary puzzles.

Novel that Doesn't Exist: Lords of Stone (Dugan, Henry. 1983) - A boilerplate 80s fantasy novel with little to commend it for positively or negatively. It is a serviceable paint-by-numbers, casually strolling through the cliches of the genre with no thoughts of greater or better things. It would be forgotten naturally by the procession of time. However, Henry Dugan brutally murdered two teenagers in 1985 and his publisher accelerated the series’ entropy by wiping out all public references they could to the work, destroying unsold copies, and even offering replacement books from another series to anyone willing to trade in a Dugan novel for disposal.

Anime that Doesn't Exist: 70 Years in Sapporo (2015) - What starts as a somewhat typical "slice of life featuring a band of middle school girls" goes on to follow the main quintet through seven decades, chronicling the ups and downs of their careers, relationships, families, and fortunes. Does not portray a particularly sugarcoated view of the future or of human relationships, but maintains a through-line that hardship can be endured and hurts can be healed.

Anime that Doesn't Exist: Asuka's Happy Cat Cafe (2020) - A gag series about a cat cafe / rescue, its hapless owner, and its many feline tenants. It has one joke and is perfectly willing to ride it out: the cats are all ugly and talk (only to each other, of course) like they’re delinquents in a motorcycle gang. That’s the joke, you now know everything you need to know about Asuka’s Happy Cat Cafe.

Anime that Doesn't Exist:  Goro of the Road (1986) - Set near the turn of the 17th century. A girl from a rural village is possessed by a demon that has resisted all attempts to exorcise it; her parents bring her to the local hermit as a last-ditch attempt. The hermit, a former Christian convert and deacon (having recanted to avoid death but still holding to the belief privately to no small amount of inner conflict), is able to identify that the girl is possessed by a European demon - one that does not recognize the spiritual authority of the Buddhist priests. Girl needs to be escorted to a group of surviving Christians, we get a ronin to do the job, you can see where this is going. We're playing the hits but the hits are going to be played a lot closer to reality than normal.

Had it been released only a few years later, this would have become a classic in the American anime community. But the film was a flop in Japan and never made its way overseas with VHS tapes of Akira and Ghost in the Shell. 


Conlang Idea: A language for a space-faring people where directions are compounds (similar to how Japanese forms demonstratives) of a direction and what that direction is relative to. The core directions would be up, down, right / spinwise, left / widdershins, and the frames of reference would be relative to the speaker’s body, the ship’s direction of acceleration, the local source of gravity (planet, moon, asteroid, etc), the local star, or the galactic core. Left and right would have the dual meaning of widdershins and spinwise on larger scales, allowing you to start talking about orbits.

Lego Bin Design

Imagine you have a big bin of Legos. Yes I know that the plural is properly Lego but bear with me. You have a big bin of Legos, well-loved and well-used, of dozens of different sets you have long since lost the directions for. And you get it in your head that you might as well open up the bin to your friends, so they can dump all their unused Legos into it as well.

So that's what you do. You all swiftly accumulate so many Legos that a minor miracle occurs for the purposes of making the metaphor work: critical Lego mass means that you have effectively infinite copies of Lego pieces, in a quantum sort of way, so that everyone has access to all the pieces they want without preventing anyone else from using them. No more fighting over who gets the big shiny drill from the Rock Raiders Granite Grinder.

And from this quantum morass of brightly-colored plastic people scoop out a bucket for themselves, make something cool, and share it. Since the pieces are all available to everyone, people freely iterate on the design, building response or companion pieces to it. And then those pieces inspire new responses, all while new designs are introduced, new connections are drawn, on and on.

This, I think, is the highest design principle any creative work can aspire to.

The Four Who Are One Who Are Many

The followers of isfet, regardless of their sect, call the central tenet of their faith the Great Lie. The One and the Many and the All cannot be divided, and so any organizational schema, any formation of aspects or imposition of structure, is inherently impossible. The division of the All into the Many is illusory, but illusions are not without merit - so long as they are not confused for the real.

The Aspects of Isfet

  • Korath - Prime aspect of CHANGE THROUGH ACTION
    • Lesser aspects of Violence, Justice, Mercy
  • Ngurral - Prime aspect of CHANGE THROUGH INACTION
    • Lesser aspects of Acceptance, Entropy, Emptiness
  • Salemeshan - Prime aspect of CHANGE THROUGH DESIRE    
    • Lesser aspects of Lust, Hunger, Love
  • Zin-Tzen - Prime aspect of CHANGE THROUGH THOUGHT
    • Lesser aspects of Revelation, Hope, Understanding

A fifth and sixth aspect must also be included

  • The Crowned Fool - Prime aspect of RESISTANCE TO CHANGE
    • Lesser aspects of Hypocrisy, Stability, Ignorance
  • Am-lal - Prime aspect of UNDIVIDED ISFET.
    • Lesser aspects of Paradox, Infinite Recombination, Fractal Complexity


HEART for Sci-Fi

Skills  || Domains
Compel  || Core
Explore || Rim
Discern || Alien
Endure  || Anomaly
Evade   || Technology
Hunt    || Computers
Kill    || Spaceships
Mend    || Religion
Sneak   || Atum


Scrapped Post: Overview of Kinship Systems

An overview of various kinship structures and terminology, to be used in worldbuilding. Bonus appearance of generative metaphors as featured in _Always Coming Come_. It was supposed to be a quick one, but I found that the main source I was pulling  from wasn't really matching up with others and the situation was a lot more complex than I had the oomph to write out.

Scrapped Post: Dungeon Meshi is the Best that D&D has Ever Been

A trueism, but also this post would have just been preaching to the choir. You already know Dungeon Meshi is the best that D&D has ever been, so there’s no need for me to re-litigate this fact; the time would be better spent inventing a dungeon ecology and having some fun with it.

Scrapped Post: Plundering the Book of Mormon

It is highly unfair that a weird public-domain epic fantasy novel is just sitting there primed for conceptual looting, but also shackled to a repressive anti-human religious institution that uses its considerable political clout to make life worse for themselves and everyone else because the idea of human beings being messy or complicated or angry or sad or weird or horny (how’s that for an alignment chart) or actually just living like a human being in reality makes them so uncomfortable they need to make it everyone else’s problem. Whole thing gives me the jibblies. Positively unheimlich.

Scrapped Post: The Conlang I Didn’t Write

A summary of the ideas I had for a descendant of Tsolyani, spoken some centuries after a massive slave rebellion topples the Petal Throne. Dreamt up prior to learning that M.A.R. Barker was a literal Nazi, mind you. Has been lurking around somewhere in my notes for ages waiting to see if time would take enough enough of the edge off for “looting the idea-tomb of an old dead fascist and turning it into something he would have hated” to be a viable option. Time has done no such thing, so this is the exorcism I will grant myself.

Scrapped Post: Planet Classification System

We simply don't have enough data. Real scientists haven't been able to do this, and despite herculean effort I haven't been able to do this: I considered an expanded list of Olympians, switching over to the idiosyncrasies of Roman religion, Tolkien's Valar and Blake's Zoas, and I have come up with bupkis. I even tried synthesizing the absurd overly-complex slot-based classification system of Orion's Arm with the absurd overly-complicated slot-based conlang Ithkuil and somehow that one got the furthest, because I am a certifiable madman.

(I actually lied about this one, I still working on it.)