Thursday, February 4, 2021

100 Mothership Megacorp Lines of Business

 First there were patches, then trinkets, and now this nonsense.

What Does This Megacorp Do, Anyway?

  1. Trademark Squatting
  2. Litigation-by-Combat
  3. Pharmaceuticals
  4. Medical Gene-Engineering
  5. Cosmetic Surgery
  6. Shipbuilding
  7. Terraforming
  8. Habitat Construction (Orbital)
  9. Habitat Construction (Surface)
  10. Habitat Construction (Aerostat)
  11. Habitat Construction (Asteroid)
  12. Ice Hauling
  13. Solar Farms
  14. Uplift and Lazurogenetics
  15. Custom-Made Lifeforms
  16. Androids (Creepy and disproportionate)
  17. Androids (Clunky, but charming)
  18. Androids (Cute mascots)
  19. Androids (The budget option)
  20. Androids (Disconcertingly attractive)
  21. Cybernetics
  22. Memetic Conditioning Programs
  23. Slickware (Worlds)
  24. Slickware (Games)
  25. Slickware (Pornography)
  26. Mining (He3)
  27. Mining (Volatiles)
  28. Mining (Asteroids)
  29. Tourism
  30. Laser Launch Systems
  31. Interstellar Communications
  32. Deep-Space Expeditions
  33. Printers and Fabricators
  34. Consumer Computers
  35. Artificial Intelligence (Weak)
  36. Artificial Intelligence (Strong)
  37. Mind Uploading
  38. Private Military Company (Full of themselves)
  39. Private Military Company (Terrible leadership)
  40. Private Military Company (War crime central)
  41. Private Security (An actual joke)
  42. Private Security (Military leftovers)
  43. Reproductive Services
  44. Cloning Services
  45. Reproductions of Classical Art
  46. Algorithmically-Generated Art
  47. Education (Early childhood)
  48. Education (Academic)
  49. Corpse Processing
  50. Life Support Systems
  51. Biosphere Maintenance
  52. Digital Archaeology
  53. Translation Services
  54. Food Production (Hydroponics)
  55. Food Production (Insects)
  56. Food Production (Protein cultures)
  57. Food Production (Luxury meat products)
  58. Clothing Designs (High fashion)
  59. Clothing Designs (Everyday)
  60. Outsourcing (Tech support)
  61. Outsourcing (Human resources)
  62. Antimatter Production
  63. Union-Busting
  64. Entertainment (Music)
  65. Entertainment (Film)
  66. Entertainment (Interactives)
  67. Entertainment (Games)
  68. Entertainment (Live sports)
  69. Historical Re-enactments
  70. Sex Work
  71. Market Manipulation
  72. SEO Services
  73. Botnet Services
  74. Contract Assassinations
  75. Designer Religions
  76. Generalized Consulting Services
  77. Cryptocurrency
  78. Recycling and Salvage
  79. Weapons (Civilian)
  80. Weapons (Military)
  81. Weapons (Experimental)
  82. Data Archival Services
  83. Transport (Passengers)
  84. Transport (Bulk goods)
  85. Deniable Assets
  86. Social Media Astroturfing
  87. Construction and Maintenance
  88. Storefront and Shipping
  89. Venture Investments
  90. Anomaly Containment
  91. Warp Core Storage and Transport
  92. Void Whaling
  93. Pest Extermination
  94. Indoctrination-Deprogramming
  95. Memory Retrieval
  96. Roll Again (Incompetent trend chasing)
  97. Roll Again (Knockoffs)
  98. Roll Again (Violent collapse)
  99. Roll Twice and Combine
  100. [REDACTED]


  1. It is the year of Mothership, it seems.

  2. A whole megacorp for "SEO" is cracking me up.

  3. Roll twice and combine? 26+45 = He3 Mining and Reproduction of Classical Art. I mean, hey, there's not much else to do on a gas-giant apart from watch the clouds, makes sense to me.
