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Katie Shanahan |
People make their entrance on the world's stage screaming bloody murder and covered in fluids. It's a terrifying experience for all and sundry, which is why most folks are just fine with only being born once.
The important part is what comes right after. The first person you will meet, even before you're set to sucking at your mother's teat, is a witch. She might be a hundred and three years old and blind, deaf, and toothless, or she might be fourteen and pimple-faced with boots two sizes too big, but she'll be there.
Witches live on the outside and look in. They live in places between, with boots caked in muck and brains full of things other people can't or won't see. They intercede, between man and his neighbors, between man and the Folk, between man and the gods. They are a vital, central part of the community, but they are not part of it fully.
You don't go to a witch for comfort. Mother will ease your pain and tell you that everything will be all right, but a witch has no such obligation. They deal in truth, and truth is useful and painful in equal measure. It is something to both live and die for, and in the case of witch-hunters, something to kill people over.
Contrary to what wizards and noblewomen who like to call themselves witches might say, witches do not have anything to do with dancing around in the moonlight with no clothes on (at least, not sober witches).
School: Witch
Perk: You get +2 to reaction rolls when interacting with the rural poor and working class, and people with a bit of sense.
Drawback: You get -2 to reaction rolls when interacting with wizards, politicians, academics religious leaders, fundamentalists of all stripes, and people with not nearly enough sense. You get no reaction bonus, not even from Charisma, when dealing with other witches.
1: You can spend five minutes to create a shamble, which allows you to detect if magic has been worked nearby. It will only tell you yes / no and relative strength.
2: You always have a piece of string, a stub of chalk, a smooth pebble and a coin in your pocket.
3: You can silently summon your familiar. This may take a few minutes if they are far away.
A note on familiars: familiars are ordinary animals that can be sent out to do ordinary animal things. they cannot speak and you are not mind linked, but they are smarter than usual and will tell you what they might see or do in their own way.
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Xavier Colette |
Spell List:
Woman's WorkR: N/A T: N/A D: N/A
With the proper equipment (material components, a cooking pot, water), you can make [sum] doses of contraceptive, proconceptive, or contramenstrual. These are universally-accepted trade goods, and can be redeemed for favors, mundane items, and information. This spell can also be invoked for the safe delivery of an infant.
R: Touch T: Object D: 0
An object made of stone, clay, metal, wood, or fiber can be repaired, restoring it to the state before it was damaged. The size of the object that can be mended is dependent on the [dice] invested.
- 1D: Can be held in the hand.
- 2D: Can be held in both hands.
- 3D: Waist height.
- 4D: As big as a person.
Produce Flame
R: 40' (when thrown) T: self D: as below
Creates a flame of [sum] damage. The size of the fire is determined by the dice invested:
- 1D: candle (STR 10, lasts for one hour)
- 2D: torch (STR 30, lasts for fifteen minutes)
- 3D: fire (STR 40, two hands, lasts for five minutes)
- 4D: inferno (STR 70, two hands, takes full turn to cast, movement speed halved, cannot be thrown, lasts for one minute)
R: 20' T: Object or creature D: 0
Effect depends on the [dice] invested.
- 1D: Caster reveals the common name and mundane properties. If the target has been changed by magic, and the potency of the enchantment. Mundane properties and names are revealed (ex: "this is phosphorus, it can burn underwater."
- 2D: Caster can determine the above, as well as what kind of magic was used. Advanced mundane properties are revealed
- 3D: Caster can determine the above, when it was enchanted, and the effect of the enchantment.
- 4D: Caster can determine the above, as well as who created the enchantment.
- 4D + physical piece of target: As above. Learn the true name of the target or of the original caster.
R: 100' + [sum] x 5 T: Object or creature D: Concentration
The caster can determine the specific location of the target for as long as they can maintain their concentration.
- 1D: general noun (ex: dog)
- 2D: specific noun (ex: my dog, Old Yeller)
- 3D: vague or immaterial (ex: love, help)
- 4D: paradoxical or impossible (ex: solidified time, a devil's conscience)
Hidden Language
R: Touch T: Surface D: 10 hours
The caster may inscribe a message in a language that has been forgotten by grown-ups. It may be read only by the very young, the incredibly old, the simple-minded, and other witches. If 2 [dice] are used, the writing will be permanent.
Piercing Look
R: Eyesight T: Creature(s) whose attention you have D: 0
Target must make an immediate morale check at -4. Gods help them if it is accompanied by the Crossing of the Arms and the Tapping of the Foot.
Spare the Dying
R: Touch T: Creature D: [dice] hours
The target, upon hitting death's door, can cling to life for [dice] hours, so long as they are not injured again. The caster must save against poison each hour or take 1d6 damage from shouldering the target's pain.
Magic Circle
R: As drawn T: Spirit D: Until broken
A circle is marked out on the ground which may hold and bind a spirit of [dice] HD or less. Using this will negate any reaction bonus you might have with the Folk and impose a further -1 penalty.
Gain +1 [dice] if the circle is made with salt, iron flakes, or other substances anathema to the spirit.
Gain +2 [dice] if the circle is inscribed with the target's true name.
Call Upon the Folk
R: 100' T: Folk D: 0
The local Folk appear to you, and you gain + [dice] to your reaction roll when conversing with them. No bonus is granted when dealing with malicious spirits. Summoning a specific being requires one of the following:
- The location is strongly associated with a particular entity
- [sum] > 15 and knowledge of the entity
- The Folk's true name is known
R: Touch T: Creature D: 0
In reading the entrails of sacrificed animals, you look for an omen of what is to come. You have a [dice] x 10% chance of successfully foreseeing a future event or gaining a piece of knowledge (ex: "there is a settlement in the next cave"), plus 1 [dice] per hit die of sacrificed creature or hour spent cloud-watching. Even if successful, omens will often have multiple potential meanings.
Speak with Dead
R: touch T: corpse or other remains D: 10 minutes
You can communicate with ghosts and lingering spirits. The quality of spirit is determined by both its age and the [dice] invested in the spell.
- 1D: the ghost is silent, and mimes out a repeating loop of a single moment
- 2D: the ghost speaks a little and is no longer locked in action, but remains linked to its event
- 3D: the ghost knows who it was in life, and can move about its home freely as a normal spirit
- 4D: the ghost is at its most autonomous, bearing jumbled but significant memories of life
Third Eye
R: Eyesight T: Self D: 10 minutes
The witch is able to see things as they are, not as how they are believed to be. With her third eye open, the witch is able to see things as they are, not as how they are believed to be. She may see through illusions, identify secret doors, see spirits that have hidden themselves, and detect lies.
- Take 1d6 damage.
- Grass dies, flowers wilt, milk spoils in a 50' radius.
- Vomit cobwebs, hair, and tomato juice for 1d6 rounds.
- Familiar vanishes for 1d6 hours.
- Bleed from forehead for 1d10 hours, freaks everyone out.
- Transformed into a cat for 1d6 hours. You can still cast spells.
- A bleak mood lingers on you like grease on fingers. Your reaction malus is doubled for 24 hours.
- A witchhunter demon has been drawn to your scent. It cannot harm you directly, but it will follow you for three days, dealing mental strain damage through its attacks. If damage > WIS, the witch must save vs fear - on success, fight/flight/freeze. On fail,you will be rendered too strained to make any normal action at all until the days have transpired.
- You've gone too far on the outside, cut your ties to people, lost the things that keep you grounded. You've gone bad, a hag of the worst kind.
The Old School returns yet again in subclass number 3.
ReplyDeleteI can't recall anyone else doing a Pratchettian Witch class. I shall plant my flag on this hill.
And a well planted flag it is. I am a little disappointed that there is no bees though.
ReplyDeleteYes! This is the class based on the original witch -- the midwife. I love this so much and I'm definitely going to port it into my class list.
ReplyDeleteThe witch vs. wizard theme in a lot of GLOG settings (including Goblin Punch Centerra) is, intentional or not, an analog for the professionalization of medicine and the establishment of it as men's work during the renaissance. Fascinating.